August 14, 2013

Hummingbird Ice Cream

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This idea was what sparked my homemade ice cream obsession.

Food bloggers tend to be incredibly creative. Like, check out this one or this one and you'll see what I mean. I saw this recipe for hummingbird cake on (surprise!) Pinterest and thought, what can I put it in that would be new?

Hello ice cream maker.

Hummingbird cake is a cross between carrot cake and banana bread. So, I made a banana ice cream base and stirred in finely shredded carrots and finely diced walnuts, so the added texture would be complimentary, not overpowering. Because my family would be the first to holler, "I think scraps fell in the ice cream maker!"

They didn't. Not even close. See, when I make things, I make them knowing my siblings plan on eating it. They like dessert and won't be happy if its something they don't like. I'm not happy of they don't like it because I most likely do and now I have an entire batch to finish by myself. So if my veggie hating brother will eat this, you know it's good.

Guys, I haven't met an ice cream I don't like, but this ice cream is uh-mazing.  Like, who knew carrots could taste so good in ice cream?  

Duh. Ice cream makes everything better. This one in particular.

The banana flavor is the strongest by far! As with all ice cream, it is the best texture right after the machine is done churning. Because this recipe has less cream than my other ice cream recipes, it freezes harder and more icy, so give it more time to soften before eating.

Hummingbird Ice Cream
Recipe Source: The Sweet {Tooth} Life. Base recipe from Rival Ice Cream Maker Booklet
Yield: 2 quarts 

1 cup sugar
3 tablespoons flour 
1/4 teaspoon salt 
2-1/2 cups milk
2 eggs, beaten 

1-1/2 cups milk 
1/2 cup whipping cream
1/2 tablespoon vanilla
1-1/2 cups mashed banana (I used 4 medium ripe ones) 
1/2 cup finely grated carrots
1/2 cup finely chopped walnuts 

Combine sugar, flour, and salt in a saucepan. Gradually stir in 2-1/2 cups milk. Cook over medium heat until thickened (10-15 minutes)  Stir one cup of hot mixture into eggs. Return eggs back to remaining hot mixture. Cook and stir for 2 more minutes. Chill for 2 hours. 

Stir in remaining 1-1/2 cups milk, whipping cream, vanilla, and mashed bananas. Fold in carrots and walnuts. Chill for 2 hours. Freeze as directed. 

More Ice Cream Treats

Chocolate Oreo Ice Cream

Homemade Old Fashioned Vanilla Ice Cream

Peanut Butter Cookie Dough Ice Cream Cake


  1. Same here, everytime I make a new dessert I have to take into account what my siblings like and dislike. Nobody wants to be left alone with a pan full of brownies that you have to eat by yourself (wait, don't I?) so I always have to make something I know they'll like, which is terrible because they dislike pb and citrus when I love them, huh.
    Back to the ice-cream, this looks amazing!! Ice-cream with veggies, now that's genius, I love the idea!! :-)

    1. I'm glad I'm not the only one! Whoa, no peanut butter?! That is sad:( I'm glad they at least like chocolate, right? Thanks Consuelo!

  2. So it's like carrot and banana cake mix together... be still my heart!

  3. Replies
    1. Sometimes it is the craziest that work; this is one of them:) Thanks Melanie!

  4. yummy. instead of the carrots you could add some canned pineapple. both would be amazing.

    1. I was actually going to put crushed pineapple in it (but we were out) because you are right, it is in the cake and would make the ice cream delicious. If you try it, let me know what you think. Thanks Heather!

  5. When I saw the name of this, I was like "Really, Mary Frances? Birds don't go in food.":)
    But it looks amazing.:) I like the mix of carrot cake and banana bread.

    1. Haha! Yeah, that wouldn't work very well:) But, it WAS amazing!


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